Now how ..
Did a Brown Cow ..
End up on the sewing table...
Of a vegetarian...
And wanna be vegan ?
Me. My Sewing table ...
The story goes something like this ...
2007 - I had just lost an eBay bid for a bolt of fabric from my favorite eBay seller, John, of fabricsonline. Neck and neck down to the last second with another bidder, SaavySewer or some other cutesy name.
Darn Her !! Ah - but wait - I noticed another item she was trying to win. A cow hide. I don't know what the heck I'll do with a cow hide, but I am going to win this next bid. It is not about the cowhide. It is about winning. Online, down to the last second... YES YES ... I won.
Cow hide arrives via Fed Ex. Ummm - what the heck was I thinking ? Fold it up and stash it into my antique oak sideboard.
2009 - I find the brown cow hide folded and creased in my beloved side board after two years in forgotten seclusion. I pull it out and throw it over my 8 foot Pottery Barn Library Table to get the creases out.
It fits. It protects the table. It has never been moved since. A brand on the hide signifies its life ... and the scars of my craft have further added to its history.
The huge brown cow hide ... a conversation piece. It protects the table from pins and scissors and glue and ....the underside - soft like velvet, gentle as I imagine you to have been.
Dear Brown Cow - 'How Now'? I envision you in your glory .. and I am sad .. but I love you. I really do.
As you protect my table ... I will protect you ...How lucky that fate sent you my way. I love you. I love you.

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