Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Praying Mantis

It began three hours earlier, officially yesterday, as moments ago the clock passed midnight, but his presence is still felt, and I have yet to leave the parking lot where the encounter took place.

This evening I finished a spellbinding novel around 9PM.  It had been unlike most Saturdays, I had not left the house all day except to spend time on the front porch.  I was ready to settle in for the night and save all my errands for Sunday, but the lure of the full moon changed my mind.

With only one hour to shop before the stores closed, I was off to Lowe's after a quick change of clothes.  I buzzed around the store looking for bargains, measuring clamps to hang pots of succulents, selecting wood screws using nothing but memory to determine the size needed, ending with a cautionary last trip up and down the aisles to ensure no necessities had been forgotten.  Through the cashier line and out the door with 20 minutes to spare before closing.

At the car, as my purchases were quickly stowed, my mind was racing ahead, detailing my next errands at Wal-Mart - even before I was seated in my car.  I opened the door - threw my purse on the passenger seat and then 'WHOA' !  Less than 18 inches from my face a delicate 6 inch praying mantis rested on the outside of my windshield.  The slam of my door did not startle him.  (Yes, I had already innately assigned this creature a gender.)  I could not drive off.  How could I?  He was staring at me.
Confident he would relocate soon, I filled the interim taking photos of the praying mantis.  The flash on my cellphone camera did startle the little guy, and he started to move.  Walking slowly.  Gingerly he assessed the changing surfaces as he unsteadily crept on the long slender legs that were seemingly inappropriate for his lengthy body.  Remembering my camera tucked under the seat, the photos continued.  Minutes passed, as did cars and people through the parking lot, wondering what the lady in the lime green Kia kept flashing photos of, for there was nothing apparent that could be worthy of over 100 photo flashes.  But there was something worthy.
The praying mantis watched me, his eyes followed me as my camera followed him.  We were connected, as if he understood I was would not drive off and disrupt his perch; and he would not take flight and disrupt my awe of him.  Communication need not be verbal because the eyes, even those of varying species, hold the ability to share emotion and thoughts.


The parking lot was now empty, the store having been closed for over 45 minutes.  The camera and cellphone flashes had been continuous for almost an hour and fear set in that someone may call the police.  Our time together had been chronicled by the changed appearance of the moon, the full moon that had lured me out this evening and prompted our encounter.
Reluctantly I put away the camera and phone, got into my car and ever so slowly drove the short distance to Wal-Mart, worrying the entire way about the welfare of the praying mantis.  Upon arrival, I jumped out of the car and saw he was no longer on the car roof, saddened, I reached to get my purse.  And then, my heart quickened, for there he was, tightly grasping my Soul's antenna.  He was distressed, but we hadn't said good-bye.
Quickly, I snapped a photo, unbeknownst to me, the last picture I would get of him and then he took flight.  In the light of the full moon and the glow parking lot lights, his large body and expansive wings circled, looking part dragonfly and part fairy.  To the curiosity of those around me, camera pointed to the deceptively empty night heavens, I snapped photos of his ethereal flight, feeling a deep sense of loss.  None of the photos of his departure showed anything but darkness.  It was as if I was to remember our encounter, but not our good-bye.

Pained that our happenstance had ended, I sought solace.  On my phone I searched the web for the symbolism of the praying mantis and found the following:

Each trait listed, I had experienced this evening.  I had been in a hurry, he brought me patience and piqued my awareness.  The hour in the parking lot, under the full moon, in the evening air, had provided me with stillness and mindfulness.  And the numerous photos of the praying mantis calmed and balanced my soul as my need for creativity was fulfilled by my attempts to capture the experience visually and ultimately with these words.
The words of Carl Jung have always resonated in my mind as his philosophy and thoughts are succinct in their brevity.  This evening, magic happened, and it culminated in finding the quote below online.  Thank you for a most memorable evening dear praying mantis and once again Carl Jung for clarity.


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