Yesterday, after work, I had a need for "comfort" because a person in my life was causing me "discomfort." Unable to really define what I needed ... I started my quest at Hannaford, surely I can find comfort in a grocery store. I walked back to the deli and got some potato salad, swung by the bakery - picked up a bagel, and ended up in the coffee aisle and selected two coffees; Wild Mountain Blueberry and a Sumatra with 'subtle tones of apricot.' Confident I was armed with all the "comfort" I needed, I headed to the cash register then out the door.
Once at home, I took out two paper plates, one for me and one for Spike. We each got a scoop of potato salad. I ate mine one piece of potato at a time; Spike licked off all the mayonnaise, then ate the potatoes. To each his own.
It was now clear this food adventure was not going to work ... I still had a gnawing feeling... one of discomfort. Then it hit me !
"You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant." (Now imagine Arlo singing this ...)
So I called Alice. Alice does not own a restaurant as we know it. Alice is a wonderfully grounded person...comfortable in her own skin. Alice gets kidded frequently because her "restaurant" caters to the wildlife "clientele" in her backyard. Raccoons; squirrels; possums...you get the idea. But - I am digressing. There is a real Alice and there is a restaurant..."of sorts"
Now back to Alice. I told her I was out of sync - a 'people issue.' And holding true to my expectations; Alice doled out a little bit of 'home-cooked' advice. "Sometimes you need to lower your expectations."
OK? I had heard that advice before. A bit dismayed, I said "Alice - what do you mean by that and how will it help?"
Alice explained, 'If someone disappoints you; lower your expectations of that person. If you lower your expectations - then the person they are may become enough. It may be all they are capable of."
Another "a ha!" moment. (see footnote) FINALLY, I felt "comfy."
So if you are ever in need of "comfort food" .. (food for thought that is), I highly recommend the fare that is served up at Alice's Restaurant.
(FOOTNOTE: An 'a ha!' moment is a life defining moment when a new level of clarity is attained. Definition by Kerri.)
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