Old friends -probably not the most accurate phrase, but we know the ones in our life who fall into this category. Last week I received a few emails from someone I had not seen or heard from in awhile… welcome sightings in my in-box. We decided to get together on Sunday. I sensed the timing was significant, but that was just intuition.
Today – Sunday-smile ! My friend arrived with his son. We headed out to Macaroni Grill for lunch and talked. His life has been a whirlwind in recent weeks – ultimately - a good one I'd say. The whirlwind of change that brings freshness with new beginnings. He had contacted me so he could share. In between the amusing inquisitiveness and antics of a 3 year old – we told our stories from the past 5-6 months, mine being the more boring of the two.
Back at the house, the hours passed quickly. Then we packed up the books, toys and crayons and made promises to stay in touch. Promises not to let so much time lapse between visits. Promises we may or may not keep.
My final request at departure, was for a hug from the ‘little guy’ who politely made it clear it was not a priority for him. To my surprise, Dad piped up and said “I’ll take that hug,” and he did. That is what old friends are all about. You take what time you can, when you can, and somehow your relationship never changes. You are friends, you are comfortable, and when your life is a whirlwind – it is OK to call and say “Hey …”
Oh - and if you, my dear friend, happen to read this, "You are an amazing father to a handsome, bright, and charming son. He is a lucky child ....."
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