Tuesday, December 31, 2013


It is New Years Eve and time to decide what goal I will work on during the coming year ... my "one word" goal.  AND as you can see - I decided to 'scream' my one word in this post's title.

The world and life and rules and right/wrong are not usually black & white (BW), yet somewhere in my life, I lost the grey and started using BW as a measure for good/ bad ... right/wrong ... acceptable/not acceptable and a whole spectrum of ways to judge.  This trait started causing me more angst than than I realized until just recently.  So it took very little thought when it came time to pick the "one word" for 2014.

My tolerance will include patience, of which I usually have in short supply.  My tolerance will include acceptance, letting the grey creep back into my consciousness while pushing out the 'absolute' black and white.

That's my plan anyway.  My new coin phrases will be "it is not for me to worry about" and "does it really matter or make a difference" and mostly, " is it hurting anyone."  My hope is to ingrain these words, these phrases, so deeply into my thought process - that I start to judge less and embrace more.

I have already started working on tolerance since I selected " the word" two weeks ago.  And truthfully - it feels kind of good already !

Here's to a 2014 in which we all find ways to bring ourselves a little more inner peace which along the way will be passed on to others too.

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