Oh my ... what a dilemma. I had to find a picture for my blog post, because I have no Television in my home to photograph. OK ..done.. found a picture to use.
Since January 2008, when I put a "FREE TO GOOD HOME" sign on my TV, life has changed a bit.
#1 - I do not receive a $60+ bill in the mail each month for cable TV hook-up. Umm- that is nice.
#2 - I went to the public library to get a library card and was amazed at all new adventures at my fingertips. And I thought TV was expanding my horizons ..!
#3 - With no television - there are no advertisements to visually tap into my pocketbook. Today's advertisers are very seductive in their tactics ... but I must see the ads - which I can no longer do - so I spend MUCH less.
#4 - If I choose to watch a television show, I can view many shows online on my laptop. This is good, because I can watch TV shows on MY schedule, not that of the networks. And ... no ads.
#5 - Creativity. I always thought TV shows on HGTV and DIY channels, helped my creativity. They demonstrate so many wonderful ideas. The television is long gone. Now my creativity is MY creativity. Ideas, thought up in my own head, not borrowed.... from TV.
#6 - Sleep. No television means getting to bed instead of becoming engrossed in shows at all hours. This has resulted in a 'regular' heathy sleep pattern.
Life without a television is NOT so unthinkable .... it is rather nice.
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