Last night at 10:30PM I went online to check my email. The YAHOO page opened with a blaring headline. "Michael Jackson is dead."
Immediately - now "back page" news, Farrah Fawcett's courageous battle with cancer has ended. Her passing, all but obscured by the new headlines.
Oh wait - I almost forgot ! Ed McMahon died this week too. 30 years on TV - five days a week, sitting next to the infamous Johnny Carson, entertaining America. Now - his death also upstaged .. almost forgotten.
What makes the demise of one famous person more news worthy than others ? Just a week apart, Princess Diana's death pushed Mother Teresa's passing into obscurity. Elvis. Anna Nicole Smith. The Kennedy's. Now Michael Jackson. TROUBLED LIVES. Is that what fascinates us?
Troubled lives .... Di - the beautiful princess. Elvis - the incomparable icon. Anna Nicole Smith - blond pin-up girl...
And now you, Michael, Peter Pan. Have you finally found peace in Never Never Land?

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