Thursday, April 26, 2012

Too Much Salt

No, this is not about a recipe gone wrong.

In my quest for organic/environmentally friendly gardening, I read that salt is a very effective weed killer.  Makes sense.  It dehydrates the weeds and kills them.  Warning:  Just don't become overzealous with the amount applied.

My backyard has become quite the "weed jungle" due to our unseasonably warm weather and I am also trying to kill off the weeds and remaining vegetation in my "soon to be history" flower bed.  Salt seemed like a cost-effective method of weed-killing.

Last weekend I purchased 10 - one pound cardboard canisters of salt from WalMart; but no doubt needed more to complete the job.  Tractor Supply listed online, 50 pound bags of salt for $5.49 ... Now That's A Deal !  So I purchased three bags - a total of 150 pounds.  YEP - 150 lbs.

Yesterday after work, the weather was nice and there was plenty of daylight left, so I headed outside to start applying salt.  I put one of the 50 pound bags in my trunk - opened it - and transferred about 5 pounds to a more manageable container.  The 5 pounds was enough to 'salt' my former flower bed.  I refilled the 5 pound container two more times and completed salting the backyard.  The task went much quicker than anticipated so there was time to salt the weeds growing up through my stones.  Mission accomplished.

I went back to my car and surveyed what was left.  Two unopened 50 pound bags of salt and one partial with approximately 25 pounds still in the bag.  Guess I over-estimated how much I would need. 

Anyone have any weeds to kill ??

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