Last week, with warm weather approaching, I was trying to think of interesting ways to wear my hair to adapt to the dreaded heat and humidity. I thought of a hair accessory (I had multiple) that I wore when my sons were in elementary school ... approximately 17 years ago .... two homes ago ... two moves ago. My mind's eye can clearly see two photos in which I am wearing this hair accessory ... one summer photo (sage green outfit) - one fall photo (red & black outfit)... both taken at Luxford Elementary School. I immediately tried looking online for a "new" one, a replacement, but I could not remember the name of "it" or how to search for "it." But search I did .. for over an hour .. by every conceivable name/description. No luck. So I started doodling to figure out how to recreate one for myself.
This past Saturday, I was working around the house, trying to locate some really nice coat hooks I had purchased. Not in the garage, so I headed to the dreaded basement. I looked through bins & boxes, and like a dog, oblivious to the world with his nose to the ground, I got distracted and ended up poking through small 'still unpacked' boxes of sewing notions from 6 1/2 years ago. As I browsed thru a zip-loc bag, I saw out of the corner of my eye 4 of the cherished hair accessories ... four - two of which were still in the original package. The discovery gave me an eery sensation that the timing of this find was a wee bit too coincidental....actually WAY too coincidental.
The second "curious" incident also happened within the past week. I thought about a friend (C.R.)I had not been out with her since 2006. We occasionally run into each other, but always at a hurried moment. We chat for 30 seconds then scurry off in opposite directions. This past Thursday, on a whim, I put together a tiny gift bag with a tiny note that said "How about a girl's night out sometime? Movies or Pizza." and left it where I knew she would find it. Yesterday (Monday) still no response.
Again, yesterday, while checking my YAHOO email, I opened an email from my sister
with the subject: "I-95" I opened the email and it said "I passed C.R. on I-95, hope she had a great vacation." My sister barely knows C.R. and what would possess her to notice, then comment on seeing her ?
Today I shared these two occurrences with a co-worker. She seemed as intrigued as me and also unable to name the phenomenon to label these events. However, she did point out that 'things' occur in 3's, so another may be forthcoming.
If so - I'll let you know.

Shortly after this post was written, "IT" happened again. I was reading a book recommended by a friend, "Only Time Will Tell" - by Jeffrey Archer. I was captivated by it, but it was Saturday and I had a few errands to run.
I needed to stop by the Book Barn, a used book store to find a book that would fit a decor theme, not anything to be read. I was rushing thru the store as I had Spike in the car and I was anxious to get home to my book. I found what I needed and as I was leaving the register, a man entered the store and asked, "Do you have any Jeffrey Archer books?"
Admit it. What are the odds of that happening ?
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