My ‘one word’ for 2010 was WELL-BEING … the state of being happy and healthy and prosperous. 2010 was every one of these for me. Prosperous may not have been in the monetary sense as one would first conclude … but more in the genre of flourishing; healthy growth. If 2011 is anything like 2010, then I have another prosperous year to look forward to.
The word I have chosen for 2011 is …(drum roll)… CONNECTION.
There is a whole big world outside of our own little universe. This year … I hope to become more in tune with my tiny universe and the whole big world out there.
•Mind-body connection: Emotions affect health. Mindfulness. Continued good health is possible only if the mind believes it.
•Social Justice connection: Just because I cannot see forced labor/child labor in foreign countries, does not mean it does not exist. I can make a tiny difference. I can have a voice, by choosing how I spend my consumer dollars. Buying Fair Trade food, clothing and home products sends the message that I CARE where my products come from. I CARE about the people who made/grew them and the environment from which they came. This value holds true for the quality of life for animals who provide for us too. Buy accordingly.

•Connecting to the environment: This earth is “going to hell in a hand-basket” (one of Dad’s common phrases ..Thanks Dad ... I don't think this one will get me in trouble .. tehe .. private joke among the book club) We have used it and abused it. This year I will take my ‘organic – no chemicals’ stand to a higher level. Swap out the paper towels for cloth rags.(Thanks Kate) Cloth napkins instead of paper napkins. ALWAYS remember to take my reusable shopping bags to the grocery store… not ‘sometimes.’ Use that tin can to store buttons or thread instead of sending it to be recycled or buying a plastic storage bin at the Dollar Store. Continue to use no chemical cleaners and beauty products in my house. Continue to use no chemicals in my yard that will pollute our waters. The list of potential action is endless.
•People connection: I am a loner who could stay locked in my house 24/7 for a month and be perfectly content reading, sewing, creating. But that is not how life is. Life involves interaction with others on many different levels. I want to elevate friendship, companionship, dealings, and inter-relationships to a level where I become more engaged when with a person/people, to be more aware, and to pick-up on subtleties and react accordingly. Less texting - pick-up the phone - hear a voice. Less email ... walk to my co-workers office for a face-to-face. I vow to SHOP LOCAL when I have a choice. Not only is this more environmentally friendly ... but it is economically sound and allows for more interaction with those in our own and near-by communities.
In a nutshell, I want to connect thru awareness and proactive action with myself, my family and friends, and the world (people and environment). It is a very very lofty resolution - but I surround myself with friends who have similar beliefs - and that will make the journey easier and much more rewarding. My friend Anne reminds me: “ONE PERSON AT A TIME, WE CAN CREATE CHANGE” …. And thru CONNECTION, I will be a part of change.
Happy 2011
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