I was a loner through my school years, content to keep company with my books and sewing machines. After school came college accompanied by two jobs and then marriage, which immediately threw me into the thros of military life.
Military life is not easy, and it can be very lonely. Husband is gone; family is far away; and all the Navy wives are occupied keeping their households afloat single-handedly. But you don't cry ! #1 - Because you are your kids anchor and you don't want them to know there is a chink in the metal. #2 - Everyone is in the same boat so you are no different from anyone else around you.

Fast forward to 2002 ... Navy life and marriage come to a screeching halt. Life becomes free-er and relationships are made out of "because I like you" ... not because "we are in the same boat."
This huge transition brought with it new emotions and the new emotions have brought lots and lots of tears. For the first time in my life "I FEEL" and I let myself feel. If I am happy .. I am overboard with glee. If I get weepy over a sad story or a long ago memory or one of life's events ... I CRY ... and I cry and I cry. I make no apologies ...
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