Thursday, June 24, 2010

TODAY ... I am Norma Rae

Today I was faced with a situation. Did it personally affect me? NO. Could it cause bad repercussions for another? Yes. So I spoke up. Not publicly. I spoke to the individual who could correct what they had done. The response to my concerns .... anger and I sense, revenge.

Am I scared? Yes. Do I regret voicing my concerns? No.

Time will tell if my concerns are acknowledged or disparaged. Am I worried? Yes.

But I give thanks for the quiet support that sustains me.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Logo ....

I sew. I create. I need a logo to put on labels. Labels I place on my creations. DONE.

I create ... and I created this logo. The idea came from a friend ... thanks "D."

Sound familiar ? Of course.

Monday, June 21, 2010

WOW - has it really been that long ...?

I cannot believe it has been almost five months since my last post. TRUTH .. the death of my laptop and subsequent resurrection of my desktop is partly to blame. I was spoiled by the convenience of my laptop. Anywhere... blip .. bleep and "I'm on!" Now I am subjected to the "ball and chain" of a desktop.

But I have come to enjoy the desktop. I now spend less time on the computer .. and more time enjoying life.

Regardless... I am back. A keyboard is a keyboard no matter if it is portable or tethered to a desk.

And so, again I commence my blogging journey.