Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Rainbow Day ....

The rainbow pictured above was a magnificent sight that graced the sky on Friday while I was heading home. The photo has been cropped so the only focus is the rainbow... as it was the most beautiful object in the picture.

Today - I find my focus is on all the blessings in my life... and I have cropped out all the rest. As my blessings are the most beautiful objects in "the picture."

#1 - To be needed. I have been asked to create the program for my uncle's funeral service, to be held this Tuesday. What an honor.

My "old friend" that I wrote about two weeks ago on May 17th is coming back for another visit. His life is still a whirlwind and I've been included on the journey.

#2 - Health. I am fortunately quite healthy. Yesterday I received the results of my cholesterol test in the mail. The triglycerides and HDL numbers have always been a neck & neck race with me - not always quite making the 'finish line.' The mail brought me a championship finish yesterday: Tryglycerides (optimal below 160) came in at 110 ! HDL (optimal above 45) came in at 66 !

#3 - Family. I had the opportunity to spend more time than usual with family this weekend. Mom, my brother and sisters - their spouses - nieces - cousins and my aunt. It felt good. More family time ahead this week as we gather for my uncle's funeral. There is much joy in celebrating someone's life even though they are sadly missed.

#4 - Friends. The warm weather brings more activity, yardwork, and social events. "The Saturday morning breakfast gang" all had full calendars this weekend, and breakfast seemed to linger longer than usual with the arrivals and departures of 'the gang' as they worked around meeting other obligations. But - the important thing is there was laughter and the sharing of news as each person made their appearaance, contributed to the gossip column and grabbed a quick breakfast before heading out the door. Commitment to friendship ..

I have many amazing friends .. as varied as the colors in the rainbow.

#5 - All the rest .. - Time is making it necessary to wrap up today's post as I sit here freshly showered and yet to get dressed. For all the blessings I lacked time to mention ... and of which I am very aware ... I am thankful.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hannaford or Alice's Restaurant.....

Yesterday, after work, I had a need for "comfort" because a person in my life was causing me "discomfort." Unable to really define what I needed ... I started my quest at Hannaford, surely I can find comfort in a grocery store. I walked back to the deli and got some potato salad, swung by the bakery - picked up a bagel, and ended up in the coffee aisle and selected two coffees; Wild Mountain Blueberry and a Sumatra with 'subtle tones of apricot.' Confident I was armed with all the "comfort" I needed, I headed to the cash register then out the door.

Once at home, I took out two paper plates, one for me and one for Spike. We each got a scoop of potato salad. I ate mine one piece of potato at a time; Spike licked off all the mayonnaise, then ate the potatoes. To each his own.

It was now clear this food adventure was not going to work ... I still had a gnawing feeling... one of discomfort. Then it hit me !

"You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant." (Now imagine Arlo singing this ...)

So I called Alice. Alice does not own a restaurant as we know it. Alice is a wonderfully grounded person...comfortable in her own skin. Alice gets kidded frequently because her "restaurant" caters to the wildlife "clientele" in her backyard. Raccoons; squirrels; get the idea. But - I am digressing. There is a real Alice and there is a restaurant..."of sorts"

Now back to Alice. I told her I was out of sync - a 'people issue.' And holding true to my expectations; Alice doled out a little bit of 'home-cooked' advice. "Sometimes you need to lower your expectations."

OK? I had heard that advice before. A bit dismayed, I said "Alice - what do you mean by that and how will it help?"

Alice explained, 'If someone disappoints you; lower your expectations of that person. If you lower your expectations - then the person they are may become enough. It may be all they are capable of."

Another "a ha!" moment. (see footnote) FINALLY, I felt "comfy."

So if you are ever in need of "comfort food" .. (food for thought that is), I highly recommend the fare that is served up at Alice's Restaurant.

(FOOTNOTE: An 'a ha!' moment is a life defining moment when a new level of clarity is attained. Definition by Kerri.)

Friday, May 29, 2009

The analogy of life and people and pimples ....

Today no picture. Is that because there is nothing to take a picture of ? Hardly, there are just too many choices.
No blog posting for a few days. Is that because there is nothing to write about? Hardly, there are just too many choices.

At times in our lives, there is just too much going on ... too much information in our brain...information overload. The amount of information coming in becomes crowded. The crowding makes it more difficult to sort. When you can't sort, you can't see each piece. When you can't see each piece, you can't focus on anything in particular. The lack of focus becomes frustrating and the frustration builds. When the frustration builds ... it is like one of those giant pimples on your chin that plagued you as a teenager. (crude analogy, but definitely creates a mental picture of where I am going with this)

As you have already guessed .... there comes a point when "it all" cannot be contained anymore. The overload has reached a climax and SOMETHING HAS TO HAPPEN. That is when the "burst" occurs. That is when the information that has been crowding your brain, crowding your life just erupts and it spews and it creates a mess and you are left with an open wound. A wound that can be visible to others ... and you are embarrased by that giant red mark on your chin for all the world to see. But that is OK.

You still have all that information that needs to be sorted, but now it is not crowded. It is scattered. Each piece can be picked up. Each piece can be sorted. Each piece of all this information can be taken and looked at and filed in its proper place. The wound heals. And life goes on. Sometimes there is a scar, but healing, to some extent, has occurred.

The pimples of life usually involve people. Relationships. Coming and going. Birth and death and all the interaction and changes in the middle.

Some people in our lives are pimples. They can create a wound. But if you take time .. the wound will heal. Life goes on ... at least until the next pimple comes along. But we will deal with that one when the time comes.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

On Being A Mother.... And No this is not going in the direction you think it is...

Yesterday afternoon I heard banging, items being thrown, wood on wood and a host of other clatter. Curious, I looked out my back door, as my neighbor disappeared into his home, above, evidence of a fresh repair job on the eave of the house – an attempt to patch up some loose boards. On most occasions I would have left my window and continued on with my chores. But I couldn’t do that now ….

A squirrel suddenly emerged into view … a mother swollen full of nourishment for her young. She immediately went to the newly repaired eave and became frantic. Hurriedly searching for the entrance that was no longer there. I opened my back door – she stopped and looked at me, but did not run away. I swear I could see the fear and sadness in her eyes. I swear she was begging me to help.

The squirrel was then startled by my neighbor, opening his door to retrieve something from his deck. She headed in my direction and positioned herself on a tree branch not far from me. I stepped inside to get my camera to take a few pictures – try to capture the look in her eyes. She watched. She did not move. She settled herself onto the branch and watched me, sensing I was not a threat. She stared at me. She stared at me.

I went back inside my house to put away my camera. When I walked by the window a few moments later, she was once again on the roof, above the newly repaired eave. Again she was frantic, looking for the entrance that was no longer there.

Throughout the day I continued to glance out the window, but she was gone. Did she give up? Was she going to abandon her young, now sealed inside the eave?

This morning when I awoke, I immediately walked thru the house and headed to my back door. Not knowing what I expected to see, but knowing I had to see.

My face is still wearing a smile from the sight that greeted me outside my back door. On my neighbor’s deck, below the eave, was an impressive pile of wood chips … lots of wood chips. And as I glanced up – the entrance which was no longer there, was there once again. And I smiled.

Yesterday, during those moments, our eyes met, the squirrel and I, we both understood.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Made of metal and requires no batteries ...

A child's handheld game. What a great find !

Memorial Day

Today, May 25, 2009, and according to all the 'red, white, and blue' store sale flyers, it is Memorial Day.

I remember when Memorial Day was celebrated on "Memorial Day," May 31st. Stores were closed. Parades. Families gathered for hamburgers and hot dogs from the charcoal grill served on a paper plate stacked with potato chips. Watermelon (and the accompanying 'seed spitting contests') for dessert. In the background could be heard the clickety click of the movie camera chronicling the event in black and white.

Memorial Day. Everyday - every season - American flags are displayed in my five big flower pots. EVERYDAY I WANT TO REMEMBER. Everyday I say a silent prayer of thanks.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Does Size Really Matter ?


This is a question we have all heard ... and today ... my answer is YES.

For years I lugged around my Olympus camera - a camera I have enjoyed. The Olympus has features I never used. It has features I don't know exist. IT IS BULKY.

A few weeks ago - I decided to check out smaller cameras ... "just look." (Now is a good time to refer back to my May 15th post)

After a couple of hours of reading online reviews; price comparison; and shipping options.....I once again pushed the infamous SEND button. Three days later, the UPS man placed a small cardboard box on my doorstep containing my new camera. Does size really matter?

You be the judge.

Fast forward to yesterday. Spike and I were out running errands when the time came to make a detour and let him 'stretch his legs.' I had my "new - small - compact" camera in the car and decided to take it out. Immediately, I was more observant of my surroundings, looking for a picture to take. If not for my "new - small - compact" camera, I would never have seen the chipmunk sitting on the bank of the stream.... watching me. Nor would I have noticed the two Blue Jays going in and out of the exposed tree roots ... wonder what's in there?

I have a new set of eyes to see the world ... a world always there, but I did not notice. Now I believe I will - thanks to my "new - small - compact" camera.

Does size really matter ? YES

So, the question I leave you with today is: If today's blog has a picture of my old bulky camera and my new sleek camera ... with what did I take the picture of the two?

Ummm ... another story for another day.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Which is more important ... the coffee or the mug?

It is the three day Memorial Day weekend. At 4:51AM this morning, I woke up and realized in a half dazed sleep, I had been mentally planning all I want to accomplish in this mere 72 hour span of time. Only one thing to do .. get up and start moving. That of course means "morning coffee."

As I was pouring water into the coffee maker, I glanced at the basket on my counter. Gevalia French Vanilla; Gevalia Creme Brulee; Folgers Caramel Drizzle; Green Mountain Chocolate Velvet (yuck - that was a mistake) ... and of course ... plain coffee. The Folgers Caramel Drizzle became the "cafe du jour." Push the ON button .. all set ! Well, not quite.

I pulled on the handle of my "mis-matched mug" cabinet so the light could reveal the contents, which one might mistake for a shelf in a Thrift Shop. Inside are my coffee mugs ... each with a story, well actually a memory. Each morning, more important than my decision of which flavor of coffee to make, is the mug from which I will drink it.

I have randomly grabbed a few of my selections (there are many more) and set them out - to pose for my camera - and hence I have photographed a collage of memories.

From the left:

Many years ago while living in Virginia I was in NY visiting my parents. I wanted a cup of tea, opened a kitchen cabinet and my eyes connected with a tall mug which gave me the calm of a Monet painting. I used that mug for the duration of my trip, enjoying my tea so much more because of it. As I was getting ready to head back to Virginia, I expressed my fondness for the mug .. Dad laughed and said "Take it ! I got that as a grab bag gift in the bowling league." The mug was carefully packed and has spent time in the cabinets of my last three homes. Thanks Dad ... I think of you each time I see it.

Moving on to the right, are two very large stacked mugs. The white mug, inverted on the bottom, is a simple huge porcelain piece reminiscent of the coffee mugs used on the TV show "Friends." I bought the mug because of the show - and the reminder that coffee tastes so much better when paired with good company & conversation... and for the nostalgia of the carefree life before the responsibilities of marriage and children.

On top of the white "Friends" piece is a Minnie Mouse mug which holds the equivalent of 4 cups of java. In the late 1990's while in Disney World at the MGM Park, my sons wanted to try out the Tower of Terror attraction, which I would have no part of. As the boys trekked off with their Dad, I wandered thru a Disney gift shop, with no intention of buying anything, until I noticed a "Sunday morning solution." There before me was a vessel capable of holding enough coffee to get me thru the browsing of all sections of the Sunday newspaper without the interruption of getting up for a refill. SOLD ! And I must say - Minnie Mouse has served her purpose well for the past decade.

Next is Eeyore .. another purchase on that day in Disney World. The mug was the perfect size, the perfect shape, the perfect weight with the perfect handle. How often can you say that about a coffee cup? I have since grown to love Eeyore and that perfect cup... it makes me happy. So Eeyore is the exception - that mug has no real story, it just makes me happy... it is perfect.

Under the penguin cup, behind Eeyore is a very small, Kelly green, Irish coffee mug. The piece itself is inconsequential - but it is significant of the end of a relationship - when two people sat across a table - happy; each savoring the most delicious cup of Irish coffee ... unaware it was the last cup of coffee they would ever share together.

Lastly, my Penguin mug, which was once part of a set of four. The set of four was for evenings in flannel pajamas, watching a movie and drinking hot chocolate. A family of four, which is now but one, just like the mug.

Memorial Day weekend is upon us, a time of remembrance. This morning, as with every morning, I open my cabinet door and remember people, places, events, and periods in my life.

So now, you know the answer to the query that started this tale. "Which is more important ... the coffee or the mug?"

Friday, May 22, 2009

What is in an email address ?

Almost everyone these days has an email address, or two, or sometimes several more... Some are cute; Some are obvious; and Some create a bit of wonder ... "I wonder how they chose that email address?"

In 2002, newly on my own, I happened upon a short story, Life's Mosaic, by Flavia Weedn. And that is how my email address was born.

Does your email address have a story ... ?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Creative Coach ..and Challenges

I recently learned about individuals one can hire to assist with the development of one’s creative process. Through talking, listening, and the completion of assignments .. one’s core values, gifts, dreams, and passions are discovered - then nurtured - then incorporated into one's daily life. Coaches, whether face-to-face or thousands of miles away (coaching by phone) ... can be an invaluable life altering 'tool."

Today, I was visiting with a friend, one I admire, REALLY admire. (pictured above) In the midst of a conversation, her face lit up as she stared at me and broke into a grin. The words that followed became an "a ha!" moment. (see footnote at the end) This insightful individual observed, "Andrea, you need a challenge to become motivated. No challenge; then no ideas, and no action."

My friend's observation identified the block which has always plagued me, that which inhibits my ideas, my creative process, and most of all my motivation/ growth. I have always known I thrive on challenges ... but the message she did not convey verbally .. that which was delivered thru the gleam in her eye is~~ I need to create my own challenges when none exist.

The person in the picture above has initiated and nurtured my late life evolution. Today's self-discovery, those words she did not say, impacted me greatly and WILL elicit change. How do I know this ? ... Because I have been restless all evening .. filled with a need to immortalize today's revelation .. but even more so .. I have a need to immortalize my graditude. "To My Friend, (pictured above) my Creative Coach, I will forever thank you."

(FOOTNOTE: an "a ha!" moment is a life defining moment when a new level of clarity is attained. Definition by Kerri)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Child is Born

My mother told me of a saying her mother would recite when she heard news of the birth of a child. I do not remember the saying, but I do recall that I found the thoughts conveyed quite unique. Feelings I understood.

Today a child was born ... I will take time to sort thru my heart - find the words - and create my own recitation. I will whisper my little "poem" .. whenever I hear a child is born.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Old Friends

Old friends -probably not the most accurate phrase, but we know the ones in our life who fall into this category. Last week I received a few emails from someone I had not seen or heard from in awhile… welcome sightings in my in-box. We decided to get together on Sunday. I sensed the timing was significant, but that was just intuition.

Today – Sunday-smile ! My friend arrived with his son. We headed out to Macaroni Grill for lunch and talked. His life has been a whirlwind in recent weeks – ultimately - a good one I'd say. The whirlwind of change that brings freshness with new beginnings. He had contacted me so he could share. In between the amusing inquisitiveness and antics of a 3 year old – we told our stories from the past 5-6 months, mine being the more boring of the two.

Back at the house, the hours passed quickly. Then we packed up the books, toys and crayons and made promises to stay in touch. Promises not to let so much time lapse between visits. Promises we may or may not keep.

My final request at departure, was for a hug from the ‘little guy’ who politely made it clear it was not a priority for him. To my surprise, Dad piped up and said “I’ll take that hug,” and he did. That is what old friends are all about. You take what time you can, when you can, and somehow your relationship never changes. You are friends, you are comfortable, and when your life is a whirlwind – it is OK to call and say “Hey …”

Oh - and if you, my dear friend, happen to read this, "You are an amazing father to a handsome, bright, and charming son. He is a lucky child ....."

"Bruises" and Animal Videos....

While checking my email yesterday, there was a link to a 'stupid animal video'
Give a Squirrel a Helping Hand, which turned out to be a heart-warming baby squirrel story, not stupid at all. The background music was up-beat and perfectly complimented the video as the baby squirrel struggled and eventually overcame. **heart flutter**

I poked around a bit and found the name of the song. "Bruises" ~ by Chairlift. It is one of those wonderful, quirky, catchy songs like "Roller Skate Key" by Melanie... which I will forever turn to when I need a trip to the carefree days of childhood. I downloaded 'Bruises' from iTunes and smiled the rest of the day as it energized me during my sewing time.

Spike and I ended the evening sitting under the covered patio during a thunderstorm. Very enjoyable .. Good Ole Spike, not wanting to get his feet wet, walked around on the wicker loveseat. Funny Dog ! Ummm .. wonder if I can catch Spike in an impromptu situation, camera in hand, and create a YouTube animal video ...?

And what song would I use in the clip ?

Friday, May 15, 2009

My 'One Word'

Jump back to the first week of January, 2009. I was visiting the blog of a friend who was sharing the concept of "one word resolutions" for the year .. and she had a link to another blog, that of Christine Kane. I paid a visit to the site and dutifully chose my word for 2009. DISCIPLINE.

I have made a valiant effort to remind myself frequently of my commitment to develop more discipline. I even created a scrolling screen saver on my laptop as a reminder. I've been doing OK, just OK. I have over 6 months left in 2009 and feel confident I can make significant progress. I do still lapse occasionally.

For example: This past Tuesday, I was online at trying to locate an art journaling book. I found one that looked interesting, then another, then another, then ... well you get the picture. And before that darn DISCIPLINE screen saver could appear and 'remind' me -- I had pushed the SEND button and ordered six art journaling books .. due to arrive by May 20th.

I am already looking forward to 2010 when I can pick a new One Word Resolution. I am leaning toward "Impulsive." That is one virtue (it is a virtue, isn't it?) of which I am clearly aware of the concept... so I should experience an overwhelming sense of accomplishment throughout 2010, much more so than 2009.

If you had to pick one word, what would yours be?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

How it all started ...

This past Monday was complicated. Each attempt to halt the downward spiral caused my day to plunge further into an abyss. A desperate call to a friend, from whom I sought consolation, did not result in the sympathetic "let's go grab some chocolate" ~~ but instead I heard a mischievous chuckle at the other end of the phone. "Do you know what your problem is ? You don't have an EDIT button ..." Those six words were so profound ... my gloom immediately dissipated with a laugh as I blurted "OMG - you are so right! That's it!"

Thanks to that bold observation ...I have a new understanding of me and a new set of eyes. .... So hence I start my blogging journey.