Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2010 ~ Time for a new "WORD"


For months I was set on selecting "health" as my 2010 One Word Resolution, because to me, health is fundamental to quality of life.

This morning, I saw something unexpected, I was thrust in the heart, I cried. I must go one step further. That is when I pushed the boundaries of 'health' and decided on 'well-being.' Defined as: 'the state of being happy, healthy or prosperous'..... I redefined the word to: 'the state of being happy, healthy AND prosperous'

The definitive step is taken. My screensaver is changed. Off I go on a new 365 day adventure with my "one word" ............

Sunday, December 27, 2009

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

Delightful November days ...

The weather was warm and balmy yesterday ... and to think it is the middle of November. Global warming or just a bit of a tease before the cold roar of winter comes rushing in ?

No matter ... it was simply delightful !!
Happy November

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sesame Street and Einstein and Me ......

"One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong, ......"

If I had to pick a theme song for my life ... the Sesame Street song above would be it. The 'thing' is me. It has taken me over 50 years to understand and it is Einstein who has brought me clarity.

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” -- Albert Einstein

"I always found I was in the best of company, alone." -- Albert Einstein

"Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else has ever thought." -- Albert Einstein

"The monotony of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind." -- Albert Einstein

"I rarely think in words at all." -- Albert Einstein

"I simply imagine it so, then go about to prove it." -- Albert Einstein

"My only genius talent is inquisitiveness." -- Albert Einstein

"My mind is my office." -- Albert Einstein

"If everybody lived as I do, surely the writing of romance novels would never have come into being." -- Albert Einstein

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” -- Albert Einstein

And me, I am not purporting to be a genius, but.....

I do think in pictures

My creativity erupts when I am alone and that same creativity becomes inhibited when there is too much external stimulation ... usually by other people

If I imagine it, I WANT TO CREATE IT and I usually can .... my creativity comes from my mind, not from books and the ideas of others

I create solo and do not 'collaborate' with other 'artists' -- I do not require the affirmation of my peers -- I create for the sheer joy

My creative outlet is for me ... just me. If others happen to find my work appealing, that feels good ... and I appreciate it.

In summary: I understand others may not understand my joy of solitude. My self imposed isolation is born out of my love to run after the pictures in my mind ..... and I am happy. Thanks Einstein ...You "get it!"

Monday, November 9, 2009

It all happened on facebook ....

facebook has reunited me with many lost friends ~ far away friends ~ from my years as a Navy wife .. most spent in Virginia ... a short stint in Hawaii and Connecticut.

But the most unique reunion happened "in my own backyard"

I used to work on the 1st floor of my building. Great group of folks. Social. Friendly. Caring. In 2007 (I think) I moved to the third floor. Not 'as' Social. Not 'as' friendly. Not quite 'as' caring.

Now - on facebook - I am reunited from a friend from the 1st floor. We have the opportunity to see each other daily. But 'work' and 'floors' get in the way.

Thanks facebook .......and "Hey friend ...nice talkin' to ya again"
< hug >

Sunday, November 8, 2009

What bothers and annoys you .... ?

Recently, in an effort to become better acquainted, an individual asked me what MOST bothers and/or annoys me. Curious question. One I had never really given much thought to, but surprisingly the answer just rolled off my tongue with no thought at all. Paper.

Paper is all around us and in most cases, it must be dealt with. Paper usually requires a decision.

Bank statements and bills ... file or shred
Junk mail ... toss ~ well, usually
Coupons ... cut, sort, carry around, use or toss or giveaway. Lots of choices and lots of work and decisions for such small pieces of paper.
Receipts ... save or toss ... if you need to make a return, hope you made the right choice; they can clutter your wallet or purse until "you decide"
Flyers ... tucked into your front door or handed to you at stores or events
Post-its ... little reminders stuck on other papers ... colorful, but overused by many
In-basket paper ... visual reminders of what needs to be done
Instructions ... The ones that come with appliances, tools, electronics and so forth. Ummm - do you keep instructions in case you ever need to refer back to them OR toss them, confident you have "it" all figured out
Wrappers ... gum wrappers, straw wrappers, and .... just inconvenient pieces of paper that seem to be there at the most inconvenient times, especially when no trash receptacle is available

This list is only the beginning ... look around you.

And, as life has taught us ~ there is always an exception:
Lastly, unlike all the aforementioned, there is one kind of paper that does seem to take care of itself. It disappears quite readily and easily ... the one piece of paper I do not mind !

And, if you want to get technical .... exception #2
No decision required .....

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009

Red Wine, Cheez Doodles and a fire ... on a chilly Friday Evening

Life doesn't get any better than this ...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Secret of Art and of Life .... is "Simple"

I was recently invited to visit a designer, in person, in his studio ~ a "big-time" designer replete with his own store on Madison Avenue. Visions of grandeur and glamour ....

Ummmm, No computer, or printer or pattern drafting software ... only a marker and white paper.

The designer - a 70 year old gentleman dressed in a simple cotton shirt and black work apron - not fashionable garb.

A $350 sewing machine that sews straight ... only straight. 3 pairs of scissors. Straight pins - the most basic of straignt pins - no pearl heads.

A cluttered studio embellished by a wall of memories; photos of his beloved cats who for years rested on piles of fabric on the cutting table, visions of the past as a handsome aspiring young designer, gifts and art from friends, ......... just a wall.

A sewing machine, paper, marker, pins, scissors and a wall of memories.

A simple life. A successful life. A happy life.

The designer is KOOS .... of course !

Monday, November 2, 2009

21 Years Old and Lookin' Good !

For the past three years I have heard my eldest son talk about the Jeep that he bought for $50. UGH ... the visions that have run through my mind's eye.

The 1988 Jeep is now 21 years old and the imaginary "mind photos" have become much more decrepit.

Finally ! This past weekend, I had the opportunity to meet the $50 bargain 'in person.'

What a surprise .... She's looking pretty good for a gal her age ... wouldn't 'cha say ? (Even the interior which you can see through the window.)
Great Buy Josh ... great buy.

PS: The front end looks just as good ~ but there was a mini-van parked so close, I could not snap a photo)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Ocean's Tide

I am on the ocean - it is cold and drizzly - but I love the ocean most when the weather is nippy and the shores are devoid of tourists. The sound and sight of the surf .. mesmerizing ~ comforting.

Glancing at the tide, it looks the same whether the tide is coming in or going out.

One of life's illusions.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

"Little boxes on the hillside; Little boxes made of ticky tacky ..."

(Imagine, playing in the background, the theme song from "WEEDS" an HBO TV show) (click the link & enjoy)

I was asked to decorate favor boxes for a wedding.

Now, less than 48 hours before "tee time." I sent the mother of the bride a photo of the favor boxes as a preview.

From my first glance at the photo, I have found myself humming and occasionally bursting into song with the tune about a community of "cookie cutter houses .."

Little Boxes
Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes made of ticky tacky,
Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes all the same.

Quite appropriate.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Modern Conveniences ...

How novel !

Pre-made martinis in a glass: Chocolate * Appletini * Vodka * Cosmopolitan

Just chill - open - and enjoy.

Or in my case - just open and enjoy ... I'll be doin' the chillin' after drinking one or two of these !

Cheers ..

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

$cent$; $en$e & Cent$

A friend handed me a shopping bag and said "Here are some candles I received for a gift. Do you want them ? They are a nice. Expensive."

I peeked in the bag at the long narrow non-descript box and curiously opened it. The candles,visually small and plain, assaulted my senses with powerful fragrance. WOW

"Thanks" I was touched ..

First chance I had - I logged on to my computer and looked up "these candles" ... after all ... exactly HOW expensive could the little things be.

*NOW before you women out there chastise me .... admit it ... you would be doing the same thing !*

Search: Jo Malone candles

Yep there on the computer screen ~ the candles identical to the ones sitting on my desk. Ok - one more click of the mouse ... OH MY GOODNESS !! The tiny candles cost WHAT?!

Suddenly the little candles take on a whole new "light."

Fragrant candles: to scent the home. I could never afford to buy these candles ... so I will save & savor them. I won't burn them - I'll keep and admire them.

Does it make SENSE to not use the candles to SCENT my home just because of the cost ?

Monday, October 12, 2009

How Now Brown Cow .... (I love you)

Now how ..
Did a Brown Cow ..
End up on the sewing table...
Of a vegetarian...
And wanna be vegan ?
Me. My Sewing table ...
The story goes something like this ...

2007 - I had just lost an eBay bid for a bolt of fabric from my favorite eBay seller, John, of fabricsonline. Neck and neck down to the last second with another bidder, SaavySewer or some other cutesy name.

Darn Her !! Ah - but wait - I noticed another item she was trying to win. A cow hide. I don't know what the heck I'll do with a cow hide, but I am going to win this next bid. It is not about the cowhide. It is about winning. Online, down to the last second... YES YES ... I won.

Cow hide arrives via Fed Ex. Ummm - what the heck was I thinking ? Fold it up and stash it into my antique oak sideboard.

2009 - I find the brown cow hide folded and creased in my beloved side board after two years in forgotten seclusion. I pull it out and throw it over my 8 foot Pottery Barn Library Table to get the creases out.

It fits. It protects the table. It has never been moved since. A brand on the hide signifies its life ... and the scars of my craft have further added to its history.

The huge brown cow hide ... a conversation piece. It protects the table from pins and scissors and glue and ....the underside - soft like velvet, gentle as I imagine you to have been.

Dear Brown Cow - 'How Now'? I envision you in your glory .. and I am sad .. but I love you. I really do.

As you protect my table ... I will protect you ...How lucky that fate sent you my way. I love you. I love you.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

. . . "HOLD Please" . . . "Please HOLD" . . . The Curse of the HOLD Button

The infamous HOLD button. True to its name, the HOLD button manages to: "keep under restraint" "to restrain as if a captive" ....

But there's an up side ... Today, I got to hear a real human voice on the telephone line before I was placed on HOLD. And that my dear folks is a rarity these days.

"Thank you for HOLDING"

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Fall: The colors are the same, but Fall is now "the fallen"

A couple of weeks ago, early on a Sunday morning, I took my dog, Spike, to a field and wooded area to run and explore. Oh the treasures we found, the most exciting of which was a gathering of wild turkeys....and an abundance of signs welcoming the arrival of Fall !

Today, a few weeks later .. Spike and I returned. The turkeys did not have to wait until Thanksgiving to become prey to demise.

The browns and reds and oranges and yellows have taken on a new look .. We see "the fall" all around us ... but this time tis' not the season.