Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A Deliberate Act, or .... ?

There are people in my life, friends, who periodically "act against" my vegan lifestyle choice.  Is it really deliberate ?

Example #1:  While at a friend's home helping out with a sewing project, lunchtime rolls around.  "I am making us some soup.  I bought organic chicken broth.  You'll eat that, right ?  I made sure to get organic."  (What part of no animal products is unclear !?!?)  So yes - I eat the soup - reluctantly - all the while my innards cringing.

Example #2:  I arrive at the office or return home only to find a dish of food laden with eggs or cheese or whipped cream or other 'forbidden' ingredient.  The attached note " I didn't want to waste this - I cooked too much of it at home last night."  (Guilt) In many of these instances, I can discard the offensive fare un-noticed.

Maybe sabotage is too strong of an 'accusation.'   However, these examples are quite similar to what is referred to as 'diet sabotage' by a friend when someone is attempting to lose weight.

I may be off base, but just a thought ...

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