Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Gross Me Out ! The World of GMOs

Last week, after writing letters and postcards thanking Congressmen who voted NO for the H.R. 1599 bill - aka The Dark Act - a bill that would not require full disclosure on food labeling, I did a little research. I mentioned to a few co-workers, family, and acquaintances that I had been vocal to my elected officials about GMOs. The responses ranged from "What’s that?" to nervous laughs of confusion to cynical laughs indicating "I don’t care, you crazy bitch."  No one … not a single individual could speak facts on the subject of GMOs - except to say "I don’t know anything about them." Scary...  Most Americans have little, to no knowledge about the production of the foods that are intended to nourish our bodies and those of our children, the next generation.

I have a reputation for being an eccentric eater. Most notably, I am a vegan, in addition to being a staunch proponent of organic foods versus conventional. Wrap these two factors into my preference of a whole food diet, everything made from scratch, not from a box, and I’ve pretty much confused (and appalled) most folks. Whole food recipes do not always look as "pretty" as boxed chemical concoctions.

I have always respected Mother Nature’s ability to nourish, and find it abhorant to consume foods that have had their DNA, the basic framework in living cells, altered in a laboratory through bio-engineering. GMOs … genetically modified organisms. Appetizing, huh?  Essentially, ingesting invisible organisms that will continue to live in your body.

I could write endlessly about my political views, fears for the present, fears for the future, fears for Mother Earth, fears for children ~~ fears about GMOs, yep, I am fearful.  Instead, I choose to buy a stack of penny postcards, as Dad used to call them, and send my thanks to the politicians who have stood up to the chemical and food industry magnates.  That would be Monsanto and those listed below; with their deep pockets … hiding the truth about what is happening in the food/farm industries.

So for now, to assuage my fears, I will continue to plant seeds ... Seeds of knowledge, Seeds of curiosity, Seeds of gratitude ... seeds to save our food supply and farmlands.


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